
Li Zecheng

Ph.D. Student

Zhejiang University


Li Zecheng is a Ph.D. Student at Zhejiang University under the supervision of Prof. Song. He obtained his bachelor’s degree at Zhejiang University in 2020.


  • Multi-Modal Deep Learning
  • Vision and Language
  • mmWave Radar


  • PhD Student in Computer Vision, 2025(Expected)

    Ocean College, Zhejiang University

  • B.Eng in Information Engineering, 2020

    College of Information Science & Electronic Engineering, Zhejiang University

Recent Competitions


NAACL2022 Workshop AutoSimTrans | 3rd Place

Aistudio. Baidu

Mar 2022 – Jun 2022

2022 International Competion of Autonomous Running Robots | Excellence Award

2022 Running Robot Organizeing Committeee

Mar 2022 – Jun 2022